Siegen. Ulrich Waldschmidt remains Chairman of the Supervisory Board of UTSCH. The two other members of the supervisory board and owners of Erich Utsch AG, Ian George (Australia) and Anders Eriksson (Sweden), thus recognise Waldschmidt's commitment during the past years and emphasise continuity and reliability at the top of the company. "I would like to thank my colleagues on the Supervisory Board for the trust they have placed in me, and I see this as a mandate to continue to drive forward and accompany the future-proof restructuring of the company," said Waldschmidt.
Important successes have already been achieved in recent years, including the financial consolidation of the company, the strategically important expansion of the UTSCH Group through the Hills Group, which is a leader in its markets, but also the successful management of the upheavals in business operations caused by the pandemic and currently the Ukraine war. Nevertheless, there is still a lot to do: "In addition to the further integration of the UTSCH Group, the consolidation of the markets and digitalisation will remain the dominant topics for the future. Here, the company is in close consultation with the Board of Management in order to further accelerate the strategic change.
This is one of the reasons why UTSCH Management Board member and CEO Dominic Höffgen is happy with the Supervisory Board's decision: "Ulrich Waldschmidt has achieved a great deal for this company and the UTSCH Group, and I am already looking forward to continuing to work with him in a spirit of trust in the coming years.